This is a store that specifically deals in the distribution of vitamin supplements. It has about 600 outlets and still growing. The first store in the chain was opened in 1977 and many more have sprung up since that time bringing the number of stores to the current number of about 600. The store believes that everyone is important and works towards making this belief a reality through its policies and operations.
Malnutrition and especially vitamin deficiencies can cause serious health problems considering the roles of vitamins in the body. It is in this knowledge that the shop specifically specializes in developing and distributing the necessary vitamin supplements to everyone who needs them across the globe. To date, the store has over 16,500 supplements and the list is still growing. The store has outlets in Canada, the US and even in Panama but still believes in the importance of every client.
Learn more about Vitamin Shoppe,
Vitamin Shoppe
(chain store's website)