Washington Dental Carson (500 East Carson St # 101)

Washington Dental

Address & Contact

500 East Carson St # 101
90745 Carson

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Washington Dental
Washington Dental - 1
Washington Dental - 2
Washington Dental - 3
Washington Dental - 4


Opening hours for Washington Dental in Carson

Monday 09h00 AM to 06h00 PM
Tuesday 09h00 AM to 06h00 PM
Wednesday 09h00 AM to 06h00 PM
Thursday 09h00 AM to 06h00 PM
Friday 09h00 AM to 06h00 PM
Saturday CLOSED
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These opening hours don't take account of public holidays and of Sundays. You can also check if Washington Dental Carson is open on lundi by calling it.

Usually Washington Dental Carson is closed on Sundays. Careful, stores-locator.com is a participative site, where anyone can indicate opening hours. If you see any mistake, please contact us.

Services from the store Washington Dental in Carson

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Description of the store Washington Dental in Carson

Washington Dental is a full-service provider of top-notch dental services. We serve our patients seeking unmatched dental care services in Carson, CA. We perform dental procedures using modern-day equipment and are devoted to providing quality treatment that achieves a perfect smile and healthy teeth. With our practice revolving around providing personalized care, we deliver a broad range of the most comfortable and high-quality dental services.

We also offer a broad range of financing/payment options and dental discounts so you can afford the treatment you require in a timely manner. There aren’t any extended terms and interests. We accept most credit cards as well as dental insurance policies.

At Washington Dental, we are steadily changing how individuals perceive dental treatment. We do not use our patients’ situations to exaggerate our treatment procedures to earn huge profits. Instead, we are dedicated to ensuring that our patients don’t experience the same dental problem in the future. We welcome everyone who requires dental advice and treatment in the Carson area. Call us now at 310-217-1507, and we’ll help you book your initial appointment.


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