Flooring by Sammer & Bathroom Squad Plano (1201 E Park Blvd)

Flooring by Sammer & Bathroom Squad

Address & Contact

1201 E Park Blvd
75074 Plano

Display phone number
Flooring by Sammer & Bathroom Squad
Flooring by Sammer & Bathroom Squad - 1
Flooring by Sammer & Bathroom Squad - 2


Opening hours for Flooring by Sammer & Bathroom Squad in Plano

Monday 12h00 AM to 11h45 AM
Tuesday 12h00 AM to 11h45 AM
Wednesday 12h00 AM to 11h45 AM
Thursday 12h00 AM to 11h45 AM
Friday 12h00 AM to 11h45 AM
Saturday 12h00 AM to 11h45 AM
Sunday 12h00 AM to 11h45 AM
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These opening hours don't take account of public holidays and of Sundays. You can also check if Flooring by Sammer & Bathroom Squad Plano is open on lundi by calling it.

Usually Flooring by Sammer & Bathroom Squad Plano is closed on Sundays. Careful, stores-locator.com is a participative site, where anyone can indicate opening hours. If you see any mistake, please contact us.

Services from the store Flooring by Sammer & Bathroom Squad in Plano

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Description of the store Flooring by Sammer & Bathroom Squad in Plano

Flooring by Sammer was established to meet the growing demand for professional flooring installation services. Our primary goal is to professionally install all types of floors in accordance with the industry's highest standards. We go to great lengths to provide high-quality service while also ensuring a safe environment for a satisfied customer. We've established a solid reputation in the market for producing high-quality work and have grown our clientele through personal referrals. Flooring by Sammer is dedicated to serving its customers and the community by instilling its core values - honesty and integrity - in our decisions and actions.


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